Wellness is a way of life! You don't have much if you don't have your health!
Health and wellness cover a broad spectrum of categories and topics. Everything is interconnected and we must look at the bigger picture if we want to change not only ourselves, but the world around us. We have to be able to incorporate wellness in not only our bodies, but our minds, souls, and environment as well. We have to take an integrative approach to wellness if we want to see lasting changes in ourselves and the world around us.
Through my studies and life experience, I have found an optimal way of accomplishing and achieving true and lasting wellness. Although seen as unconventional still, the techniques of quantum, and metaphysics are tried, tested, and scientifically proven. There are a few root causes to every single disease, illness, and symptom under the sun. It comes down to these basic things:
* Mental diet
* Toxicity
* Parasitic infections
* Mineral and nutritional deficiencies
It is my goal to share truth, health and healing modalities, and spread awareness to as many as I can. It is my intention to assist people on their health journey, and enlighten them to ideas, modalities, and tools they may have never considered or known about. I love to help people who struggle with their mental diet because I have been there, done that, and overcome it! If I can do it, so can you!! I also aim to help people look at areas of their life they may not have considered as having an impact on their wellness, approaching all angles from an integral perspective. I have experience with addictions and also assist people in overcoming them through shifting their perspective on life, adjusting their mindset, and healing the underlying emotions triggering it.
Life isn't meant to be easy or make you happy, it is intended to make you grow! Our challenges are our biggest growing experiences and should be viewed as lessons and opportunities. Nothing is truly "bad" when we can see it as a chance to make ourselves better! I truly hope that people will find health, wellness, and prosperity in all areas of their lives. It is my goal to help you get there through manifesting and natural remedies! Because you deserve it!!! And I believe in you!
Nicole has a passion for helping others, spreading love, growing organic food, building a homestead, and working towards a healthy and sustainable lifestyle.
She has been on this journey since day 1 growing up on a farm, and continues the love for animals and gardening inherited from her mother. She hopes to be able to help others on their own wellness journeys through personal coaching, inspirational YouTube videos, providing organic seeds and food, educating on the interconnectedness of all things, and guiding them through detoxifying from a myriad of environmental toxins.
She has been through many of life's trials and tribulations, and hit rock bottom more than once. Nicole has the life experience to help a variety of people. Book smarts only gets you so far in life! It is through experience that we learn and grow the most. From overcoming addictions, to overcoming major health problems and injuries, Nicole has been able to rebound from much adversity that many people haven't figured out how to recover from.
She is currently studying for a Bachelor's through PhD at Quantum University for degrees in natural medicine and quantum healing. She has education and training in psychology, yoga, logistics, welding, automotive, alternative medicine, and quantum and metaphysics. Nicole plans on putting her education and first hand experiences to work in showing others how they can utilize the power of their mind to overcome anything and everything!
Her life goals include opening a wellness center, living on an off-grid ranch with cows and other animals, growing and raising her own food, reaching and helping millions of people heal, teaching children how to handle tough times, build resiliency, meditate, and manifest, and having a family of her own one day.